Everything But Stromboli (or BulkMemoryCards) seem to like making fake accounts on social media to shill for their own products. They’re terrible at it, though..
Waveshare’s Raspberry Pi USB/Ethernet Hat offers 3 additional USB-A ports, along with 100Mbit ethernet. Is it the perfect hat to revive a forgotten Pi Zero?
A faster MangoPi MQ Quad ARM Single Board Computer is on the way. Will it compete with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2?
MangoPi have finally launched their Raspberry Pi Zero competitor, the MQ Pro
I bought cheap, $2 AliExpress NVMe SSD Heatsinks so you don’t have to! Are they so cheap that they’re worth it? They can’t make things worse, right?!
The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is now available as a drop-in replacement for the original Pi Zero with an increased cost. Does the performance match the price tag?