I’ve been playing around with a variety of Linux distributions both for personal and career use since 2006 when I was 14 and looking to try and run game servers with a friend so that we’d no longer get kicked from others for being squeakers :-( Fast forward to 16 years later where I’ve been working in various technical support and system administrator support roles and I’m happy to say I haven’t been banned from a game server in years!
I bought my first Raspberry Pi in early 2013 (the Model B with 512MB of RAM) and it still runs today as my Pi-Hole server keeping my network that little bit cleaner.
Since then, I’ve gone on to obtain close to 40 Single Board computers and have spent considerable time benchmarking and reviewing boards to understand what alternatives are out there and which ones are worth using. With the Raspberry Pi suffering from considerable supply issues, more and more people have been interested in the subject and that’s why I’ve tested a whole host of alternative brands so we can all make smarter purchases going forward.

SBC Benchmarks
There’s nothing too fancy here, it’s just a list of every benchmark that I do on various Single Board Computers. They may prove useful to someone one day!
FMESPORTS was a leading esports organisation in the UK Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Starcraft, and Shootmania scenes, competing at multiple ESWC (Esports World Cup) events across different titles. A lot of time went into this but unfortunately around 2017 things wound down and it’s been idle since.